Utility Functions


Functions to check or convert values.

Logging a table

Utils.PrintTable(tbl, maxDepth)

Prints the contents of a table to the console and log file.
May cause game slowdown if the table is fairly large, use only for debugging purposes.
tbl The table to print to console.
maxDepth Controls the depth that PrintTable will read to (defaults to 1).

local test_table = {
  ["hello"] = "test"

Saving a table to a file

Utils.SaveTable(tbl, file)

Saves all contents of the specified table to the file specified. The file will be created if it doesn't exist, and any existing contents will be overwritten.
tbl The table to save to a file.
file The path and name of the file to save the table contents to, relative to PAYDAY 2 directory.

  SaveTable(MenuManager, "menu_manager.txt")

Improved string conversion

Utils.ToString(value, maxDepth)

Returns a string representation of a value.
If value is a table, ToString returns a string representing the table and its contents.
value Any value.
maxDepth Controls the depth that ToString will read to (defaults to 1).
returns A string representation of the value.

Unlike tostring(value), this utility function also handles table values and converts them into human-readable representations.

Checking if a string is empty


Checks if the specified string str contains any data.
str The string to check contains any data.
returns True if str is nil or empty (""), false if it contains any data.

local s = "hello world!"
--> false

Rounding to a number of decimal places

math.round_with_precision(num, precision)

Rounds a number num to the specified number of decimal places in precision.
num The number to round.
precision The number of decimal places to round num to.

local num = 12.54135483153
math.round_with_precision(num, 3)
--> 12.541

Toggle menu item to boolean


Gets the string value of a toggle menu item and converts it to a boolean value.
item The toggle menu item to get a boolean value from.
returns True if the toggle item is on, false otherwise.

URL sanitizing


Escapes special characters in a URL to turn it into a usable URL.
input_url The url to escape the characters of.
returns A url string with escaped characters.

Timestamp from a date

Utils:TimestampToEpoch(year, month, day)

Converts a date given by year, month and day into a timestamp.
year Year of the date.
month Month of the date.
day Day of the date.
returns The timestamp.

Getting the first non-nil value


Returns the first value in the list of arguments that isn't nil.
... List of values.
returns First value that isn't nil, or nil if all of them are.


Utils:FirstNonNil(nil, 10, nil, 1)
--> 10

Handling nested table values

Since Lua does not have null-conditional operators, checking for values nested inside tabled can become quite cumbersome, especially if you have to check every key before accessing it. Imagine a table like the following:

local my_table = {
  a = {
    b = {
      c = "d"

If you want to safely access c you would do something like this:

if my_table.a and my_table.a.b and my_table.a.b.c then

Especially with longer key names this can quickly get very messy. That's where the nested table utility functions come in handy.

Retrieving a nested value

Utils:GetNestedValue(tbl, ...)

Retrieves a value from a nested table by a sequence of keys.
tbl The nested table to retrieve the value from.
... A sequence of keys to traverse the nested table.
returns The value found in the nested table, or nil if any key in the sequence is not found.


local c = Utils:GetNestedValue(my_table, "a", "b", "c")

Setting a nested value

Utils:SetNestedValue(tbl, val, ...)

Sets a value in a nested table by a sequence of keys.
Creates keys if needed but will not override existing keys that don't hold table values.
tbl The nested table to set the value in.
val The value to set in the table.
... A sequence of keys to traverse the nested table.
returns True if the value was set, or false if any key in the sequence doesn't hold a table value.


Utils:SetNestedValue(my_table, "foo", "a", "b", "c")

Checking object class

Utils:IsInstanceOf(object, c)

Checks if the given object is an instance of the specified class or a subclass of it.
object The object to check.
c The class to check against.
returns True if the object is an instance of the specified class or subclass of it, false otherwise.


local player = managers.player:local_player()
Utils:IsInstanceOf(player:character_damage(), PlayerDamage)
--> true

Game State

Functions to check for specific game states.

Checking if you're ingame


Returns whether you are in GameState (loadout, ingame, end screens like victory and defeat) or not.
returns True if you are in GameState, false otherwise.

Checking if you're loading


Returns wether you are currently in a loading state or not.
returns True if you are in a loading state, false otherwise.

Checking if you're in heist


Returns wether you are currently in game (you're able to use your weapons, spot, call teammates etc) or not.
Only returns true if currently ingame, does not check for GameState like Utils:IsInGameState().
returns True if you are in game, false otherwise.

Checking if you're in custody


Returns whether you are currently in custody or not.
returns True if you are in custody, false otherwise.


Player specific utility functions.

Checking if primary is of a category


Checks current primary weapon's weapon category.
category The weapon category to check for (refer to weapontweakdata.lua).
returns True if the weapon has category as category, false otherwise.

Checking if secondary is of a category


Checks current secondary weapon's weapon category.
category The weapon category to check for (refer to weapontweakdata.lua).
returns True if the weapon has category as category, false otherwise.

Check current weapon


Checks if a specific weapon is currently equipped.
id The weapon's name ID (refer to weapontweakdata.lua).
returns True if the currently equipped weapon matches id, false if not and nil if no weapon is equipped.

Check if primary is equipped


Checks if the currently equipped weapon is your primary weapon.
returns True if the current weapon is a primary, false if not and nil if no weapon is equipped.

Check if secondary is equipped


Checks if the currently equipped weapon is your secondary weapon.
returns True if the current weapon is a secondary, false if not and nil if no weapon is equipped.

Getting the player aim position

Utils:GetPlayerAimPos(player_unit, maximum_range)

Gets the point in the world where the player is aiming at as a Vector3.
player_unit The player unit to get the aiming position of (defaults to the local player).
maximum_range The maximum distance to check for a point in cm (defaults to 100000).
returns A Vector3 containing the location that the player is looking at, or nil if the player was not looking at anything or was looking at something past the maximum_range.

Raycast between two points

Utils:GetCrosshairRay(from, to, slot_mask)

Gets a ray between two points and checks for a collision with a slot mask along the ray.
from The starting position of the ray (defaults to the current camera position).
to The ending position of the ray (defaults to 200m in the current camera's look direction).
slot_mask The collision group to check against the ray (defaults to all objects the player can shoot).
returns A table containing the ray information or nil if no viewport camera exists.