JSON Menus

In-game menus can have their layout created in a JSON-formatted text file, instead of defining each individual element in a Lua script. JSON Menus allows you to load a JSON file which will automatically create, layout, and setup all elements of your in-game menu for you. All you have to do then is implement the callback handlers for your menu, so that you can process any user input.

Base Keys

The set of basic keys that determine where your menu button appears, and how it appears in the menu.

menu_id A unique identifier for your menu, so that the game can find and display your menu when it is clicked.
parent_menu_id The menu ID of the parent menu, this is the menu under which your menu will appear. Under most circumstances should be blt_options.
title The key of the name of your menu. This is localized.
description A key for the description of your menu. This is localized.
items An array of Json Objects which will be the menu items which appear in your menu. They will appear in-game in the same order which they are defined.
back_callback The callback function to call on the MenuCallbackHandler when backing out of a menu.

  "menu_id" : "json_example_menu",
  "parent_menu_id" : "lua_mod_options_menu",
  "title" : "my_custom_menu",
  "description" : "my_custom_menu_desc",
  "items" : [


Common Item Keys

These keys are used in all items in the items array.

type The type of item to place at this position. The available types are button, divider, toggle, slider, multiple_choice, keybind, and input.
id A unique ID for this menu item.
title The key for the name of this menu item. This is a localized value.
description The key for the description of this menu item. This is a localized value.
callback The callback function to call on the MenuCallbackHandler when this item is modified.
localized Should the title and description be used as localization keys. Optional, defaults to true.
disabled_color Color of the menu item if it has been disabled.
priority Sorting priority of the menu item, higher priority items are displayed before lower priority ones.


Buttons do not need any extra keys in order to function. As long as their callback key is set, they will call the callback function whenever they are pressed.

  "type" : "button",
  "id" : "json_menu_button",
  "title" : "json_item_button",
  "description" : "json_item_button_desc",
  "callback" : "callback_test_button"


Dividers are a special case in that they only need one key in order to appear in the menu.
size The size of the space this divider will create.

  "type" : "divider",
  "size" : 128


These keys are only of use on items with the type of toggle.
value The key of the value to load from the data table. See the example mod for more information on this.
default_value The default value of the toggle if no data could be loaded from the data table.

  "type" : "toggle",
  "id" : "json_menu_toggle",
  "title" : "json_item_toggle",
  "description" : "json_item_toggle_desc",
  "callback" : "callback_test_toggle",
  "value" : "toggle_value",
  "default_value" : false


These keys are only of use on items with the type of slider.
value The key of the value to load from the data table.
default_value The default value of the slider to use if not data could be loaded from the data table.
max The maximum value this slider can go to, as a number.
min The minimum value this slider can go to, as a number.
step How much this slider will increment when a controller is being used to adjust it.
show_value Wether to display the slider's value.
display_precision How many decimal points to show.
display_scale Multiplier to the displayed value.
is_percentage Wether to add a percentage sign to the displayed value.

  "type" : "slider",
  "id" : "json_menu_slider",
  "title" : "json_item_slider",
  "description" : "json_item_slider_desc",
  "callback" : "callback_test_slider",
  "value" : "slider_value",
  "default_value" : 50,
  "max" : 100,
  "min" : 0,
  "step" : 1

Multiple Choice

These keys are only of use on items with the type of multiple_choice.
items An array of items for the multiple choice. The value of the multiple choice is saved and loaded as the index of the selected item.
value The key of the value to load from the data table.
default_value The index of the default value to use if no data could be loaded from the data table.
localized_items Wether the items should be used as localization keys. Optional, defaults to false.
item_values An array of item values. Optional, if it is provided, the setting for this multiple choice is saved as the selected item value instead of the index.

  "type" : "multiple_choice",
  "id" : "json_menu_mutli",
  "title" : "json_item_multi",
  "description" : "json_item_multi_desc",
  "callback" : "callback_test_multi",
  "items" : [
  "value" : "multi_value",
  "default_value" : 3


These keybinds are only of use on items with the type of keybind.
run_in_menu Should the keybind run when in menus. Optional, defaults to true.
run_in_game Should the keybind run when ingame. Optional, defaults to true.
show_in_menu Should you want to set a keybind and you don't want to allow users to change it. Optional, defaults to true.
keybind_id A unique ID for this keybind, it will be used to automatically save and load your customized keybinds.
func The function which should be called when the keybind is pressed.

  "type" : "keybind",
  "id" : "json_menu_keybind",
  "title" : "json_item_keybind",
  "description" : "json_item_keybind_desc",
  "keybind_id" : "json_menu_example_keybind",
  "func" : "func_test_keybind"


These keys are only of use on items with the type of input.
value The key of the value to load from the data table.

  "type" : "input",
  "id" : "json_menu_input",
  "title" : "json_item_input_title",
  "desc" : "json_item_input_desc",
  "callback" : "callback_test_input",
  "value" : "input_value"