Lua networking

A collection of helper Lua functions to allow mods to send networked data to other players who have the mod installed. All data is sent as string data between clients, so any non-string data, such as numbers or Vector3's, must be converted into a string before transmission.

Networking information


Checks if the game is in a multiplayer state, and has an active multiplayer session.
returns The active multiplayer session, or nil.

if LuaNetworking:IsMultiplayer() then


Checks if the local player is the host of the multiplayer game session.
returns True if the local player is the host of the game session, or false. Also returns false if not multiplayer session is running.

if LuaNetworking:IsHost() then
  log("I am the host!")


Checks if the local player is a client of the multiplayer game session.
returns True if the local player is not the host of the game session, or false. Also returns false if not multiplayer session is running.

if LuaNetworking:IsClient() then
  log("I am a client!")


Returns the peer ID of the local player.
returns The peer ID of the local player in the current multiplayer session. Returns 0 if no session was found.

local peer_id = LuaNetworking:LocalPeerID()


Returns the name of the player associated with the specified peer ID id.
id The peer ID to lookup in the session players and get their name.
returns The name of the player with peer ID id. Returns No Name if a name could not be found the specified ID.

local my_id = LuaNetworking:LocalPeerID()
local my_name = LuaNetworking:GetNameFromPeerID(my_id)
log("My name is: " .. my_name)


An accessor for the session peers table.
returns The table of all connected peers in the current multiplayer session.

for id, ply in pairs(LuaNetworking:GetPeers()) do
  log(id .. " = " .. LuaNetworking:GetNameFromPeerID(id))


Utility function for quickly and easily getting the number of players in the multiplayer session.
returns The number of connected players in the current session.

local num = LuaNetworking:GetNumberOfPeers()
log("There are " .. tostring(num) .. " connected players.")

Sending data

LuaNetworking:SendToPeers(id, data)

Sends networked data data with a message id of id to all connected players.
id The unique identifier of the data to send to connected players. This value shoud be unique to the data type you are sending, or to the remote function you wish to call on another players game.
data The data to send to all connected players. It should be in string format so that it will be transmitted to other players properly.

LuaNetworking:SendToPeers("GoonModCustomLaserColour", "1.0000000,0.0000000,1.0000000")

LuaNetworking:SendToPeer(peer, id, data)

Identical to LuaNetworking:SendToPeers, except the first argument is the ID of the peer who should receive the data.
peer The peer ID of the player who should receive the networked data.
id The unique identifier of the data to send to the peer with id id.
data The data to send.

local message_text = "This is a private message to the player with Peer ID 1."
LuaNetworking:SendToPeer(1, "PrivateMessage", message_text)

LuaNetworking:SendToPeersExcept(peer, id, data)

Identical to LuaNetworking:SendToPeer, except the first argument is a peer ID, or table or peer ID's who should be excluded from receiving the networked data.
peer A peer ID, or a table of peer ID's, who should be excluded from receiving this networked data.
id The unique identifier of the data to send to the peer with id id.
data The data to send.

local message_text = "This message will be send to everybody who does not have a Peer ID of 4."
LuaNetworking:SendToPeersExcept(4, "PrivateMessage", message_text)

local exclude = { 1, 2 }
local message_text = "This message will be send to everybody who's peer ID does not appear in the exlude table"
LuaNetworking:SendToPeersExcept(exclude, "PrivateMessage", message_text)

Receiving data

A specific hook is called when a Lua-network event is received from another player. In order to make use of the data received from other players, your mod should add to the hook in order to process the data received and call the appropriate functions required.

For more information on listening to hooks, see the main Hooks page.

NetworkReceivedData(sender, id, data)

The name of the hook that is called everytime any data is received via LuaNetworking from another player.
sender The peer ID of the player who sent the networked data.
id The unique identifier of the data sent.
data The data sent to us, as a string. It may have to be converted to another data type in order for us to make use of it.

local private_message_id = "PrivateMessage"
Hooks:Add("NetworkReceivedData", "NetworkReceivedData_PMs", function(sender, id, data)

  if id == private_message_id then

    local name = Net:GetNameFromPeerID(sender)
    log("Received Private Message from: " .. name)
    log("Message: " .. data)



As we can see in our example above, once subscribed to our hook we need to check the ID of the data we receive to make sure that the data is relevant to our mod. If the data we receive is not relevant, then we should not process or call anything, as another mod is likely handling it instead.


Various extension and helper functions for converting data types that may not normally be convertible into a string, into a string and back into their original type.

Converting tables

Table to string


Converts a table into a string which is able to sent through the Networking functions. It will only perform a shallow conversion, meaning it should not be used with nested tables.
tbl The table to be converted into a string.
returns A string representation of the table passed into the function.

local tbl = { 1, 2, 3, 4, "hello world!" }
local str = Net:TableToString(tbl)
LuaNetworking:SendToPeers("NetworkTableStringTest", str)

String to table


Converts a formatted string into a table. Should be used for turning a networked table sent as a string back into its original table.
str The formatted string to attempt to convert back into a table.
returns A table containing the formatted data from str.

local str = "key|value,key2|another value,another key|yet another value"
local tbl = LuaNetworking:StringToTable(str)

Converting colors

Color to string


Converts a colour into a formatted string, which is able to be sent through the Networking functions.
col The colour to be converted into a formatted string.
returns A formatted string containing the colour data from col.

local color =
local col_str = LuaNetworking:ColourToString(color)
LuaNetworking:SendToPeers("NetworkColourStringTest", col_str)

String to color


Converts a formatted string into a colour. Should be used for turning a networking colour sent as a string back to its original object.
str The formatted string to attempt to convert back into a Color object.
returns A Color object containing the original colour.

  local col_str = "r:1.0000|g:0.2125|b:0.4568|a:1.0000"
  local color = LuaNetworking:StringToColor(col_str)

Converting vectors

Vector to string


Converts a Vector3 to a formatted string.
vec The Vector3 to convert to a string.
returns A formatted string with the information of the input vec.

local vec = Vector3(50, 0, 10)

String to vector


Converts the formatted string str into a usable Vector3.
str The formatted string to convert into a Vector3.
returns A Vector3.

local vec_str = "50.000000,25.456841,00.000000"