Menu Helper

The MenuHelper class is a set of functions which are used in conjunction with a set of specialized hooks in order to add custom menus to the game. Adding menus via MenuHelper is best left for menus that require more advanced setup, as Json Menus can be used in most other circumstances to add menus to your mods.

Registers a new menu that can have items added to it.
menu_id The unique ID to use for this menu.

local menu_id = "my_custom_menu"

Returns the registered menu with id of menu_id.
menu_id The unique ID of the menu to get.
returns The menu with the specified menu_id. Logs an error, and returns nil, if no menu with the specified ID could be found.

local menu = MenuHelper:GetMenu("my_custom_menu")

Sets up, and returns, the menu with ID menu_id so that it can be added to the in-game menus.
menu_id The ID of the menu which should be built.
data A table containing extra data which this menu should be built with.
data: back_callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when the menu is left.
data: area_bg The area the background covers when this menu is opened whilest in-heist. Available values are full, half, and none.

Hooks:Add("MenuManagerBuildCustomMenus", "MenuManagerBuildCustomMenus_Example", function(menu_manager, nodes)
  local menu_data = {
    area_bg = "half"
  nodes["my_custom_menu"] = MenuHelper:BuildMenu("my_custom_menu", menu_data)

Adds a button to an already existing parent menu.
parent_menu The menu which the menu item will be added to.
child_menu The ID of the menu which this menu item should open when clicked.
name The key of the display name of this button. This is a localized value.
desc The key of the description to display when highlighting this button. This is a localized value.
[menu_position] A value of where this menu item should be inserted into the parent menu. Using a number will insert it at a guaranteed position. Using a string as the name of another child item will insert it at a specified subposition relative to the child item. Optional.
[subposition] The position to place this object at if we are using a child object's name. This can either be before or after and will place it above or below the object in the menu accordingly.

Hooks:Add("MenuManagerBuildCustomMenus", "MenuManagerBuildCustomMenus_Example", function(menu_manager, nodes)
  MenuHelper:AddMenuItem(nodes.options, lua_mod_options_menu_id, "base_options_menu_lua_mod_options", "base_options_menu_lua_mod_options_desc", "video", "before")

Loads a json-formatted text file and automatically parses and converts into a usable menu. Check the JsonMenu documentation and the JsonMenuExample in the Example Mods.
file_path The json-formatted file to load and convert into a menu.
parent_class The class of which all keybind functions and data will be loaded and saved to.
data_table A table containing the data keys which various menu items can load their value from.

local MyMod = {}
MyMod._data = {}
MenuHelper:LoadFromJsonFile("path/to/example_file.txt", MyMod, MyMod._data)

Adds a button to the menu specified in the table button_data, as well as the data specified.
button_data A table containing data on the button to be added to the menu.
button_data: id A unique identifier for this button.
button_data: title A key for the display name of this button. This is a localized value.
button_data: desc A key for the display description of this button. This is a localized value.
button_data: callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when the button is clicked.
button_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this button should be created on.
[button_data: disabled_color] The display color of this button when it is disabled. Optional.
[button_data: next_node] The ID of the menu which should be opened when this button is clicked. Optional, leaving it as nil will not open a menu when clicked.
[button_data: priority] The position to display this button in the menu, higher values display higher in the menu. Optional.
[button_data: localized] Should this button use localized title and description strings. Optional, defaults to true.

  id = "example_button",
  title = "example_mod_test_button",
  desc = "example_mod_test_button_desc",
  callback = "test_button_callback",
  menu_id = "my_custom_menu",
  priority = 10,

Adds a divider to the menu specified in the table divider_data.
divider_data A table containing data on the divider to be added to the menu.
divider_data: id The unique identifier for this divider.
divider_data: size The height of the divider to be added to the menu.
divider_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this divider should be created on.
[divider_data: priority] The position to display this divider in the menu, higher values display higher in the menu. Optional.

  id = "example_divider_1",
  size = 16,
  menu_id = "my_custom_menu",
  priority = 9,

Adds a toggle button to the menu specified in the table toggle_data, as well as the data specified.
toggle_data A table containing data on the toggle to be added to the menu.
toggle_data: id The unique identifier for this toggle button.
toggle_data: title A key for the display name of this button. This is a localized value.
toggle_data: desc A key for the display description of this button. This is a localized value.
[toggle_data: value] The default value to be shown when this toggle is displayed. Optional, defaults to false/off.
toggle_data: callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when this toggle button is toggled.
toggle_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this toggle should be created on.
[toggle_data: disabled_color] The display color of this toggle when it is disabled. Optional.
[toggle_data: icon_by_text] Places the icon up against the name text of the toggle if true. Optional, defaults to false.
[toggle_data: priority] The position to display this divider in the menu, higher values display higher in the menu. Optional.
[toggle_data: localized] Should this toggle use localized title and description strings. Optional, defaults to true.

  id = "example_toggle",
  title = "example_mod_test_toggle",
  desc = "example_mod_test_toggle_desc",
  callback = "test_toggle_callback",
  value = true,
  menu_id = "my_custom_menu",
  priority = 8,

Adds a slider to the menu specified in the table slider_data, as well as the data specified.
slider_data A table containing data on the slider to be added to the menu.
slider_data: id The unique identifier for this slider.
slider_data: title A key for the display name of this slider. This is a localized value.
slider_data: desc A key for the display description of this slider. This is a localized value.
slider_data: value The default value to be shown when this slider is displayed.
slider_data: min The minimum value for this slider to go down to.
slider_data: max The maximum value for this slider to go up to.
slider_data: step The value which this slider should be adjusted when using a controller to change the value.
slider_data: callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when this slider button is adjusted.
slider_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this slider should be created on.
[slider_data: show_value] Displays the value of the slider. Optional, defaults to true.
[slider_data: disabled_color] The display color of this slider when it is disabled. Optional.
[slider_data: localized] Should this slider use localized title and description strings. Optional, defaults to true.
[slider_data: display_precision] How many decimal points to show.
[slider_data: display_scale] Multiplier to the displayed value.
[slider_data: is_percentage] Wether to add a percentage sign to the displayed value.

  id = "example_slider",
  title = "example_mod_test_slider",
  desc = "example_mod_test_slider_desc",
  callback = "test_slider_callback",
  value = 128,
  min = 0,
  max = 256,
  step = 1,
  show_value = true,
  menu_id = "my_custom_menu",
  priority = 7

Adds a multiple choice item to the menu specified in the table multi_data, as well as the data specified.
multi_data A table containing data on the multiple choice to be added to the menu.
multi_data: id The unique identifier for this multiple choice.
multi_data: title A key for the display name of this multiple choice. This is a localized value.
multi_data: desc A key for the display description of this multiple choice. This is a localized value.
multi_data: callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when this multiple choice is switched.
multi_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this multiple choice should be created on.
[multi_data: localized_items] Wether the items should be used as localization keys. Optional, defaults to false.
[multi_data: item_values] An array of item values. Optional, if it is provided, the setting for this multiple choice is saved as the selected item value instead of the index.
[multi_data: value] The default value to be shown when this multiple choice is displayed. Optional, defaults to the first available item.
[multi_data: priority] The position to display this divider in the menu, higher values display higher in the menu. Optional.
[multi_data: localized] Should this multiple choice use localized title and description strings. Optional, defaults to true.

local items = {
  "First Item",
  "Second Item",
  "Third Item"

  id = "example_multiple_choice",
  title = "example_mod_test_multichoice",
  desc = "example_mod_test_multichoice_desc",
  callback = "test_multi_callback",
  items = items,
  value = 1,
  menu_id = "my_custom_menu",
  priority = 6,

Adds a customizable keybinding to the menu specified. Keybinds will automatically saved and loaded by the Lua hook.
bind_data A table containing data on the keybind to be added to the menu.
bind_data: id The unique identifier for this keybind item.
bind_data: title A key for the display name of this keybind. This is a localized value.
bind_data: connection_name A unique name to save this keybind as. This value will be used to save and load the keybind, and to check if the keybind is being pressed.
bind_data: callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when this keybind is assigned.
bind_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this keybind should be created on.
allow_menu Should the keybind run when in menus. Optional, defaults to true.
allow_game Should the keybind run when ingame. Optional, defaults to true.
bind_data: show_in_menu Should you want to set a keybind and you don't want to allow users to change it. Optional, defaults to true.
[bind_data: priority] The position to display this keybind in the menu, higher values display higher in the menu. Optional.
[bind_data: localized] Should this keybind use localized title and description strings. Optional, defaults to true.

local mod = BLT.Mods.GetModOwnerOfFile and BLT.Mods:GetModOwnerOfFile(uniqueglobal.ModPath) or BLT.Mods.GetMod and BLT.Mods:GetMod("UniqueFolderName")
if not mod then

BLT.Keybinds:register_keybind(mod, { id = "example_keybind", allow_menu = false, allow_game = true, show_in_menu = true, callback = function()
  -- Callback function
end })
local bind = BLT.Keybinds:get_keybind("example_keybind")
local key = bind and bind:Key() or ""

  id = "example_keybind",
  title = "example_keybind__title",
  desc= "example_keybind__desc",
  connection_name = "example_keybind",
  binding = key,
  button = key,
  menu_id = self.menu_id,
  priority = 5

Adds an input box to the menu specified in input_data.
input_data A table containing data on the input box to be added to the menu
input_data: id The unique identifier for this input item.
input_data: title A key for the display name of this input. This is a localized value.
input_data: desc A key for the display description of this input. This is a localized value.
input_data: callback The function to be called on MenuCallbackHandler when this input is assigned.
input_data: menu_id The ID of the menu which this input should be created on.
[input_data: priority] The position to display this keybind in the menu, higher values display higher in the menu. Optional.
[input_data: localized] Should this keybind use localized title and description strings. Optional, defaults to true.

Resets all items passed into the items_table to the value specified in value.
item A menu item for which the helper function can retreive any items specified in items_table.
items_table A table of items, where the item name is the key, which should be reset to the value.
value The value which all items specified should be reset to.

MenuCallbackHandler.test_button_callback = function(self, item)

  local items_to_reset = {
    ["example_slider"] = true,
  local default_value = 128
  MenuHelper:ResetItemsToDefaultValue(item, items_to_reset, default_value)
